Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Your Decisions Determine What You Become - Bro. Zac Poonen

"I came down from heaven, not to do My own will, but the will of Him who sent Me" (Jn. 6:38).
Jesus tells us here in His own words what He came on earth to do.  And in this one sentence we have a description of how Jesus lived every single day of His entire life on earth.
The thirty years of Jesus' life in Nazareth are referred to as hidden years.  But here Jesus reveals what He did during every day of those 30 years:  He denied His own will and did His Father's will.
When Jesus was with the Father in heaven from eternity past, He never had to deny His own will, for His own will was the same as His Father's.  But when He came to earth in our flesh, that flesh had a self-will that was diametrically opposed to the Father's will at every single point.  The only way in which Jesus could do the Father's will then was by denying His own self-will all the time.  This was the cross that Jesus bore throughout His earthly life - the crucifixion of His self-will - and which He now asks us to bear every day, if we are to follow Him.
It was the consistent denial of His own will that made Jesus a spiritual Man.  And it is the denial of our self-will that will make us spiritual too.
Every day we make decisions concerning various matters.  We make decisions in relation to how we are going to spend our money or our spare time, or how to speak to, or about someone, or how to write a particular letter, or how to react to another's behaviour, or how much time to spend in studying the Word or in prayer or in serving the church etc.  We react to the actions and words and behaviour of people around us from morning till night.  We may not be realising it, but we make at least a hundred decisions every day - and in each of these decisions we decide either to please ourselves or to please God.
Many of our actions are not the result of conscious decisions. But even then, we do them in one of these two ways - either seeking to please ourselves or to glorify God.  Our unconscious actions are determined by the way we make our conscious decisions.  Finally, it is the sum total of these decisions that determine whether we become spiritual or carnal.
Think of the millions of decisions that we have made ever since we were first converted.  Those who have consciously and consistently chosen to deny their self-will many times each day and do the will of God, have become spiritual.  On the other hand, those who have rejoiced merely in the forgiveness of their sins, and who therefore chose to please themselves most of the time have remained carnal.  Each person's decisions have determined what he has finally become.
You are today as humble and as holy and as loving as you yourself have chosen to be, through the thousands of decisions that you have made in the various situations of life in past years.
Spirituality is not something that comes through one encounter with God.  It is the result of choosing the way of self-denial and doing God's will consistently day after day, week after week and year after year.
Consider the spiritual state of two brothers (both converted to Christ on the same day), ten years after their conversion.  One is now a mature brother with spiritual discernment, to whom God can commit much responsibility in the church.  The other is still a child, without discernment, and needing to be fed and encouraged by others constantly.
What is it that has made such a difference between the two?
The answer is: The little decisions that they took during each day of the ten years of their Christian life.
If they continue on the same way, in another ten years, the difference between them will be even more pronounced.  And in eternity, their differing degrees of glory will be as different as the light emitted by a 2000 watt bulb and a 5 watt bulb!
"One star differs from another in glory" (1 Cor. 15:41).
Consider a situation where you are visiting a home and you are tempted to say something negative about a certain brother (whom you don't like) who is not present.  What do you do?  Will you yield to that temptation and backbite, or will you deny yourself and keep your mouth shut?  Nobody ever gets struck down by God with leprosy or cancer just because they spoke evil about someone.  No.  And therefore many imagine that such a sin will not destroy their lives.  Alas, it is only in eternity that many brothers and sisters will realise how every time they pleased themselves, they destroyed themselves a little.  Then they will regret the way they wasted their lives on earth.
Jesus too was tempted in similar situations for thirty years in Nazareth.  It is written about those hidden years that "He never pleased Himself" at any time (Rom. 15:3).  He always denied Himself.  Thus He pleased the Father at all times.
Pleasing oneself can be done in many areas of one's life - for example, in the area of eating.  Consider a situation where, even when you are not hungry, you decide to spend some money to buy some tasty snacks to eat.  There is nothing sinful or wrong in that.  But it speaks of a certain way of life.  Because you have money, you buy what you like, whether you need it or not.  You do what pleases yourself.  If you feel like buying something, you buy it.  If you feel like going somewhere, you go.  If you feel like sleeping late, you sleep late.  What is the end result of living like that, even if you go regularly to the meetings and read your Bible every day?  You may not lose your salvation, but you will certainly waste the one life that God gave you to live for Him.
Another brother however acts differently.  He decides to discipline his body.  When he is not hungry, he decides not to eat anything unnecessarily.  He decides never to buy any unnecessary things for himself.  He decides to get up 15 minutes earlier each day to spend time with God.  When someone speaks to him angrily, he decides to reply gently.  He decides to remain in love and goodness always.  He decides not to read certain news items in the newspapers that will stimulate his lusts.  In every situation, he decides to humble himself and not to justify himself.  He decides to give up certain friendships that are influencing him towards the world.  Through constantly deciding to deny his own will (what pleased him), he becomes strong in his will to please God alone.
What did he lose by not buying that unnecessary thing, or getting out of bed 15 minutes earlier, or by giving up his human sense of dignity and asking for forgiveness?  Nothing. But think of what he has gained!
A man like that, who is consistently faithful in the little things will in a few years' time become a trustworthy man of God - not because of the Bible-knowledge that he possesses, but because of his faithfulness in the little decisions he takes in life not to please himself but to please God.
Don't be weak-willed then.  Exercise your will to please God at all times.  Mature Christians are those who "because of practice (in exercising their will in the right direction through many years) have their senses trained to discern good and evil" (Heb. 5:14).
Consider a illustration:  Two fat men go to a doctor to remove their flabbiness.  The doctor gives them a course of exercises for the next twelve months.  One man goes through the discipline of those exercises consistently every day, and slims down and becomes strong.  The other man does the exercises for the first few days and then slackens off and finally gives up altogether.  His pot-belly gets fatter and fatter with his indisciplined ways, until he finally dies prematurely.  This is an illustration of how we can make our wills strong to do God's will, or leave them flabby and weak for the devil to exploit.
I remember reading once of a young servant of the Lord who felt that he had been watching too much television (even though he had been watching only clean programs), and who decided one day not only to sell his TV set, but also to use the time he had spent watching TV, in prayer every day.  As a direct result of that little decision that he took - and maintained - God gave him a ministry that blessed thousands.
Those who see nothing wrong in watching clean programmes over TV, find that God does not entrust them with much - for He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him and there is no partiality with Him.
Yes, you are what you are today because of the many, many little decisions they you have taken in relation to either denying yourself or pleasing yourself in the areas of food, money, sleep, reading, etc.
Time is running out fast.  Those who are over forty years of age, and who have spent their lives pleasing themselves cannot expect to do much for God now, for they have wasted the best years of their lives.  Those past years of your life are gone - gone forever.  Even Almighty God cannot restore them to you.  But if you repent even now, you may yet be able to do something useful for God with the second half of your life.
But I want to speak primarily to those who are still in their teenage years and in their twenties.  Let me tell you that God wants to bless you in such a way that you become a blessing to others.  He wants to entrust an important ministry in His church to you by the time you are thirty or thirty five years old.  But will He find you faithful in the next ten years or so of your life, so that He can accomplish His will in your life?
If you determine to be faithful from now on, you will have no regrets in eternity, no matter how much you may have failed in your past life up until now.  Take life seriously then.  Think of how Jesus lived in the days of His flesh in Nazareth, and follow His example.  Say to yourself, "I have been born on this earth, to DENY my own will, and to do the will of my Heavenly Father."
Do you think the devil will allow you to take seriously what I am telling you now?  No. He will tell you that there is plenty of time.  He will tell you that such a life of self denial will be a strain.  He will tell you that God doesn't mind you enjoying yourself, or indulging yourself a little bit here and there.  He will tell you to take it easy, etc., etc.  Why?  Because he wants you to drift aimlessly for the next twenty years, and to wake up when it is too late.  Young people, don't be fooled by Satan.  God has given you only one life, and time is running out fast.  Don't waste it.
You will find more than enough believers around you (even among those who have understood the new and living way) who have no interest in living such a disciplined, wholehearted life.  Don't judge them.  Don't be a Pharisee and despise them.  Mind your own business and don't be a busybody in their affairs.  Believe the best about them and leave them alone.  But a the same time don't follow their example.  Be different.  Let Jesus alone be your Example.  You have a calling over your life and you cannot afford to lose that, no matter what else you may lose on this earth.  Think often of the day when you will have to give an account of your life at the judgment seat of Christ.
So forget the blunders that you have made in life.  Repent radically of your sins and be wholehearted in the days to come.  God forgives you and blots out your past.  Don't mope over your failures now, or you will be a drifter in the future too.  The memory of your failures will help you to recognise that you are what you are today only by the grace of God.  It will also enable you to keep your face in the dust at all times before God.
Determine that you will become a true man / woman of God. He who has an ear to hear, let him hear.

© Copyright - Zac Poonen

Choosing The Divine Nature by Zac Poonen (Eng / Mal)

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Live a life of victory - Bro. Zac Poonen

Part -1

Part -2

Part -3

Part 2 and 3 sermons are based on Hebrews 8:10-12

Hebrews 8:10-12

10 For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, saith the Lord; I will put my laws into their mind, and write them in their hearts: and I will be to them a God, and they shall be to me a people:
11 And they shall not teach every man his neighbour, and every man his brother, saying, Know the Lord: for all shall know me, from the least to the greatest.
12 For I will be merciful to their unrighteousness, and their sins and their iniquities will I remember no more.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Be Thou my Vision, O Lord of my heart;.....

Be Thou my Vision, O Lord of my heart;
Naught be all else to me, save that Thou art.
Thou my best Thought, by day or by night,
Waking or sleeping, Thy presence my light.

Be Thou my Wisdom, and Thou my true Word;

I ever with Thee and Thou with me, Lord;
Thou my great Father, I Thy true son;
Thou in me dwelling, and I with Thee one.

Be Thou my battle Shield, Sword for the fight;

Be Thou my Dignity, Thou my Delight;
Thou my soul’s Shelter, Thou my high Tower:
Raise Thou me heavenward, O Power of my power.

Riches I heed not, nor man’s empty praise,

Thou mine Inheritance, now and always:
Thou and Thou only, first in my heart,
High King of Heaven, my Treasure Thou art.

High King of Heaven, my victory won,

May I reach Heaven’s joys, O bright Heaven’s Sun!
Heart of my own heart, whatever befall,
Still be my Vision, O Ruler of all.

- Words: At­trib­ut­ed to Dal­lan For­gaill, 8th Cen­tu­ry...trans­lat­ed from an­cient Ir­ish to Eng­lish by Ma­ry E. Byrne...versed by El­ea­nor H. Hull


Understanding the Love of Jesus by Bro.Zac Poonen

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

The Dowry System In India - Bro.Zac Poonen

It is unfortunately, normal among Christians of all denominations in India, for a boy's father to ask for a dowry from the girl's father before a marriage is finalised. This has reduced marriage to a business deal. Among unbelievers, such a practice is understandable because, being spiritually blind, they allow covetousness to rule their lives. But what shall we say when most believers also indulge in this practice - even those who claim to be Spirit-filled? Surely the Devil has blinded them too.
Many a marriage arrangement has failed because the parents of the girl could not meet the exorbitant demand for dowry made by the parents of the boy. Many girls in our land have been emotionally disturbed and brought to frustration because of this - and some have even committed suicide. Every day in India, some wife somewhere burns herself to death because of her husband harassing her to get more dowry from her father.
God will severely judge all those who make marriage a matter of striking a financial deal. This judgment will begin at the house of God, among those who claim to be born again. It is because many believers have not spoken out against the evil practice of dowry that it is still so widely prevalent in Christendom in India today. It is a sad thing indeed when those who should be standing upright for God in a warped and crooked world, become warped and crooked themselves. No Christian who wants to please God should ever ask for, or receive a dowry.
Some brothers hide under the excuse that it is their parents who ask for dowry and not they themselves. But if they have any convictions at all, why don't they speak up and tell their parents that they don't want any dowry? The reason must be that they too secretly desire the money. If they are convinced that the dowry system is wrong, they should speak up for the truth. It is surprising that many brothers who are strong-willed when it comes to other matters, act like spineless jelly-fish when it comes to expressing their convictions on dowry to their parents!
Some brothers say that it is only reasonable that their parents who have spent so much money on their education should now receive some money as dowry from the girl's parents. But the girl's parents have also spent money on educating her! Why doesn't the boy give money to her father for giving him an educated girl??
Others justify their asking for dowry by saying that their parents will need money to give as dowry for their sisters when the latter get married. But we can be certain that God will not let anyone down, who seeks to honour Him in this matter. If you honour Him, He will honour you and give good husbands to your sisters (or daughters) without your having to pay any dowry (1 Sam. 2:30). If you say you don't have faith for that, then I have nothing more to say to you, for I am writing now only for wholehearted Christians. The commandments of Jesus are meant only for wholehearted Christians.
Others may ask, "What is wrong in receiving money which the father of a girl gives gladly to her as a gift?" There is certainly nothing wrong with that. But before any brother uses this as an excuse for his covetousness, let him answer these three questions first:
(a) Was money any factor at all (even if the least important) in deciding the marriage?
(b) Did you or your representative (whether father or relatives) ever ask for the money, (or try to find out how much money the girl's parents had) before or after the marriage had been settled?
(c) Did you secretly hope that money would be given by the girl's parents (either to the girl or to you)?
If the answer is "Yes" to any of these questions, then you have certainly fallen a prey to covetousness, however well it may have been covered up by different excuses.
It is in such situations that the contradiction between a believer's preaching and his practice becomes evident to all. No wonder infidels are prompted to say, "Whatever Christians may preach, when it comes to money, they have the same religion as everyone else".
In some places, I have heard that the dowry system is the reverse of what is found in most parts of India. There the boy has to give a dowry to the girl's father in order to marry her. But whichever dowry system it be, the practice is an abomination to God.
Many may resent such a strong denunciation of the dowry system. But we must remember that the system is a product of man's covetousness, which the Bible calls idolatry (Col. 3:5). One has only to read the severe denunciation of idolatry in the Old Testament to realize how God detests it. The prophets of old were fiery in their preaching against it. They did not mince words when speaking against that which God hated.
We have preached against and stood against dowry consistently in CFC ever since the Lord established our church in 1975.
Personally, I have practised exactly what I have written above, in my own life. I refused to allow any discussion of dowry at the time of my wedding. I took the same stand against dowry when my four sons were getting married. In addition, I never sought to find out whether the parents of the girls (whom my sons were marrying) were rich or whether the girls themselves had good educational qualifications that would enable them to work and earn money. Unfortunately, these are the matters that most believers today are keen on finding out when getting their sons married. I was only keen to find out if the girls themselves loved the Lord and were disciples of the Lord Jesus. And I thank God that He honoured my desire by giving each of my four sons God-fearing wives who would help them in their ministry for the Lord and also help them to raise God-fearing children.
Whenever I conduct a wedding, I always take a signed declaration from both the bride and the bridegroom stating that no dowry has been exchanged between them or their parents. I do this so that both parties see the seriousness of this evil. If any dowry was given or received, then I refuse to conduct the wedding. If they deceive me they are answerable to God.
To expect dowry, or to accept dowry are both just as bad as asking for dowry. Those who accept or expect a dowry are both covetous. Such "Christians" should be honest and call themselves "heathen". They are certainly NOT followers of Jesus Christ.
Can you picture your asking Jesus to negotiate with a girl's father about the amount of dowry he should pay you before you agree to give your son in marriage to his daughter? You know very well that Jesus would never be willing to negotiate in such a matter. That itself should show you that expecting or receiving a dowry is wrong.
Receiving and giving dowry are also offences according to the laws of India. Leaders of churches should be the foremost to honour God in this matter and to obey the country's laws. Any church-leader who is unwilling to take a stand against this evil dowry system has no right to remain in leadership in any church. Some leaders may secretly take a dowry without anyone knowing it. But God will deal with such hypocrites in His own time.
At a wedding, money may be given for the actual expenses of the wedding and the reception. But even this should ideally be equally shared by both parties. Thus both the boy and the girl are given equal dignity before God. But we cannot make a rule in this matter, because some are able to afford an expensive wedding and reception, while others are not.
It is perfectly in order for a bride's parents to give money to their daughter. But this is best done by putting the money in a bank account in her name. This is not a rule but only a guideline so that believers can preserve their testimony and not be accused of having received a dowry after the wedding.
There is another equally great evil in India - and that is the way daughters are treated by their parents when it comes to an inheritance. Many parents do not give an equal share of their wealth and assets to their daughters as they do to their sons. If it is evil to give or ask for dowry, it is an equally great evil for a parent not to give their daughters an equal share of their wealth as they give their sons. In God's eyes, sons and daughters have equal rights to their parents' assets. Any father who shows partiality to his sons over his daughters is an ungodly father, unfit to be called a Christian. Whether the father writes this in his will to be distributed after his death or whether he gives it to his children earlier is immaterial. But he must treat his daughters exactly like he treats his sons. And a daughter has every right to ask to be treated equally. Jesus taught that it is proper for children to ask their fathers for good gifts (Matt.7:9-11).
If Jesus were in India today, He would denounce the dowry system ruthlessly. Unfortunately, church-leaders who claim to represent Him, do not denounce this practice - because they love money themselves, or are eager not to offend the rich, or hope to get a commission themselves in the process!
Even a non-Christian film-actor in India has spoken out against dowry recently. Aamir Khan writes:
"I am totally opposed to dowry. It is not only a retrograde practice but also an illegal one. Think about it - can a relationship, built on the foundation of money and greed, be meaningful or beautiful? We should make our daughter so accomplished and independent that she is capable of crafting her own future and becoming the master of her own happiness. Then she won't need a greedy, useless groom to complete her life. Let her marry a person who respects her. Let her marry a man who she believes is worthy of her; whom she is happy to spend the rest of her life with."
[ http://www.thehindu.com/opinion/columns/article3439626.ece ]
Such non-Christian film-stars are now putting to shame so-called "Spirit-filled, tongue-speaking" believers, in this matter! Those film-stars will rise up in the day of judgment and condemn all hypocritical believers.
This is why the Lord has placed CFC and related churches (and I hope, some other churches too) as lighthouses in India, to stand for the truth and to proclaim His will in this matter. The Bible commands us to speak up for the rights of the needy (Prov.31:8,9). We must stand totally against this evil dowry system that has destroyed the lives of so many helpless girls in our land. We must also urge all parents to give an equal share of their wealth to their daughters as they give to their sons.
Daniel took a stand for the Lord in Babylon in a very small matter - not eating certain foods that God had forbidden in Leviticus 11. That was a very small commandment - but it was a small commandment given by a great God. Because Daniel honoured God, God honoured him. God is testing us now in little matters, to see whether we qualify to be a voice for Him.
May the Lord preserve us as a prophetic voice for Him in our land.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Kerala Youth Meeting 2012 and Special Conference Meetings

Video link - http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7970058C44FA5D5A&feature=view_all

1. ദൈവം താന്‍ സ്നേഹിക്കുന്നവരെ ശിക്ഷിക്കുന്നു / God Disciplines Those He Loves
2. യേശുവിന്റെ സ്നേഹം നാം മനസ്സിലാക്കുമ്പോള്‍ / Understanding the Love of Jesus
3. ദൈവത്തിന്റെ ക്ഷമയുടെ അടിസ്ഥാനം / The Basis of God’s Forgiveness
4. ദൈവഭവനത്തില്‍ നമ്മെ തന്നെ വിധിക്കുക / Judging Ourselves in God’s House
5. രണ്ട് ഗൌരവ പാപങ്ങള്‍ – 1. കോപം / Two Serious Sins – 1. Anger
6. രണ്ട് ഗൌരവ പാപങ്ങള്‍ – 2. ലൈംഗിക പാപം / Two Serious Sins – 2. Sexual Sin
7. ദൈവഹിതം ചെയ്ത് ഐക്യം കെട്ടിപടുക്കുക / Doing God’s Will and Building Unity

Video messages given by Br. Zac Poonen at Aluva 2012 May Youth Meetings and Special Meetings

Source - http://jeevamozhikal.org/aluva2012may/

Two Serious Sins – Br. Zac Poonen

Bro. Zac Poonen given at Special Conference in May 2012 at Aluva (English / Malayalam)
1. Anger

2. Sexual Sin

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Beware of False Prophets Who Arrogantly Say “Thus says the Lord” - Zac Poonen

In Jeremiah  23:5,6  we see Jeremiah prophesying about the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ who is called, here, ‘the Righteous Branch’ and ‘The Lord our righteousness.’

This title refers to the Lord as the One Who justifies us by imputing His righteousness to us. It is a new-covenant title - and Jeremiah prophesied quite a bit about the new covenant.

This chapter is also a wonderful chapter for all preachers to read, because there are many warnings given here for them to take heed of . False prophets are exposed and denounced here. They were false prophets because they did not take time to listen to what God was saying (Jeremiah 23:18). They were too lazy to stand before God and wait for His Word.

There are many false prophets moving around in Christendom today, who seek honour and money for themselves. They prophesy falsely about imaginary dreams they claim to have dreamt.

Jeremiah warned the people not to listen to false prophets. They invented their own messages and spoke to  the people, saying “Thus says the Lord”. But the Lord had not spoken to them. There are numerous people carelessly using that phrase even today. It is very dangerous to get up and say, “Thus says the Lord”, when you are not sure whether God has really spoken. People who have no fear of God whatsoever use that phrase today and say whatever comes into their mind. This is dangerous and evil.

All such people should read this chapter and learn to fear God. God does speak, but he speaks through humble people like Paul who said, “I think I have the Spirit of God” (1 Cor. 7:40) – and not through people who arrogantly say, “Thus says the Lord”.  Beware of such false prophets – for there are thousands of them in Christendom today.

God says that His word is like fire and a hammer (Jeremiah 23:29). Why are the words of so many preachers unable to break the hard hearts of people and set them on fire? It is because their words did not come from the Lord.