Sunday, March 24, 2013

The New Testament Pattern - Zac Poonen

Right from the beginning of our work in India, we decided that we would follow the pattern found in the New Testament in every aspect of our ministry - and not what we saw in the churches around us.

In the first century, the Lord used apostles, prophets, evangelists, shepherds and teachers to build His church (Eph.4:11). We prayed that we would have all these five ministries to build the church in India in our day as well.

Apostles: Apostles were those who planted churches and appointed their elders (Acts 14:23). They were spiritual fathers to the elders and guided the churches that they planted. They did not make their churches into a denomination, but allowed each church to be self-governing. We did not see any apostolic ministry in the churches around us. What we saw among them mostly were two man-made systems of church government:

(i) The pyramid system. This was a centrally-controlled system headed by a Pope or a Superintendent or a President, who had bishops under him, who in turn had pastors under them who ran the churches. All these posts were filled by election! This hierarchical pattern imitated the business world exactly.

(ii) The independent system. In this system, each church was totally independent and answerable to nobody. An elected board would invite a man with a Bible-college degree to be its salaried pastor. After a few years this pastor would discover a larger church where he could get a better salary - and he would move there. Then the board would advertise and find another pastor for their church!!

In both these systems, there were no spiritual fathers - only elected and paid leaders. We rejected both these man-made systems and chose to follow the apostolic pattern described in the New Testament.

Prophets: Prophets (1 Cor.12:28) were those whose ministry revealed the secret sins and failures in a church and who could prescribe the remedy as well (1 Cor.14:25). Their ministry was to challenge, encourage and build-up the church (1 Cor.14:3). But such prophetic ministry was rarely seen in our day. What we did see were false prophets who deceived the believers by pretending to predict their future (like fortune-tellers do). The Lord protected us from such deceivers and gave us genuine prophetic ministry in our midst.

Evangelists: Evangelists were those who brought people to Christ and added them to the local church. But in our day, we saw the emphasis on "evangelistic crusades", where those who came to Christ were not being gathered together and built up into a local New-Testament church. Most of the conversions recorded in the book of Acts, came through personal evangelism. And God gave us some outstanding personal evangelists, who not only brought people to Christ but added them to the local churches as well. We also urged our brothers and sisters to pray that the Holy Spirit would lead them to those around them who were seeking for a God-fearing life. The Lord answered those prayers and added many disciples to our churches. We were about four families when we first met in my house in August 1975. But God added many thousands to us thereafter, from all parts of the world - and most of this was through personal evangelism.

Shepherds: The shepherd (translated as "pastor" in Eph.4:11) is a gift given to the church - and not the title of the leader of a church (as in churches these days). The leaders of the New Testament church were called elders - not pastors - and there was always more than one elder in every church. So we decided that every church that the Lord planted through us, would have at least two elders. At times, we had to wait for some time before we could find men who qualified to be elders. But gradually, the Lord gave us godly elders to lead each church. But we needed many shepherds (pastors) in every church (besides the elders) to help in shepherding the flock. Jesus' example showed us that one man could effectively shepherd only 12 people. So a church with 120 people would need at least 10 shepherds (pastors). God gave us many brothers with a shepherd-heart to care for the lambs and sheep, but we have not attained the proportion of 1 shepherd for 12 people.

Teachers: The teacher in the New Testament had the task of teaching believers "to do everything that Jesus had commanded" (Matt.28:20). They did not expound the Scriptures academically. Their teaching was always practical and designed to lead people to obedience to our Lord's commands - commands such as "Don't get angry, Don't lust after women, Love all your enemies, Don't seek man's honour, Don't love money", etc., (Matt.5:22,28,44; 6:1-18,24). We never heard any teaching on these truths in most of the churches around us. But God gave us teachers who taught the believers how to obey such commands of the Lord.

Financial support for workers: In the New Testament, the Lord's workers were supported financially in two ways: Some were supported by the gifts of believers, while others like Paul supported themselves. But in India, almost every Christian worker was either a salaried worker of a church or supported by gifts from believers. So we saw a great need for some workers in India to support themselves and thereby demonstrate the second method of support found in the New Testament - and thus restore the balance. So I decided to support myself and to serve the churches in India freely. I also decided that I would not receive any royalties for my books and audio-tapes that our church published. I encouraged my fellow-elders also to follow my example. The amazing miracle we have seen is that we now have more than 70 elders in the churches in India, who have been serving the Lord freely for many, many years. And some of them are serving in India's poorest villages.

Reports: The New Testament contains many letters written by the apostles. But they never gave any reports about their work in those letters. Nor did they ask for any money to support themselves or their ministry. But almost every Christian organization (that we knew) sent out reports of their work regularly - and brazenly asked people for money. We decided to follow the example of the apostles - and never to send out any reports or photographs of our work, or to hint about our financial needs to anyone but our heavenly Father. We have followed this policy from the time we started the work in 1975 - and God has abundantly supplied all our needs. Paul shared the reports of his labors only with his fellow-workers - and we have done likewise.

Fellowship: Fellowship and unity among His disciples was the primary burden of Jesus' prayer in John 17. And this was the goal of the apostles too. Most of the churches around us however emphasized activity - meetings and more meetings - and not fellowship and unity. We valued meetings. But we felt that fellowship was more important. So we organized picnics and other functions, at which we got to know each other better. We played games at these picnics with our young people and children and thus deepened our fellowship with each other. Thus we built a depth of fellowship among us that was precious and unparalleled.

There were many other areas like this, where we did things differently from the churches around us. It was a battle to pioneer these new ways of doing things and to return to the practices of the New Testament. Satan opposed us vehemently and many Christians criticized us. But God was with us - and that was all that mattered.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

The Church - The Pillar of Truth by Zac Poonen

 (Atlanta 2013) 5. The Church - The Pillar of Truth by Zac Poonen

Topic: Truth
Scripture(s): 1 Timothy 3:15  

Description: Brother Zac shares about New Covenant Churches that hold the truth and mystery of the Gospel. These truths only come through revelation from the Holy Spirit from God. There is a great difference to build a Church simply on good ideas and fellowship or on revelation from God. He explains on the body of Christ work in local bodies a fellowship where there is life.

Source -

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Total Surrender - Oswald Chambers

Peter began to say to Him, ’See, we have left all and followed You’ —Mark 10:28

Our Lord replies to this statement of Peter by saying that this surrender is “for My sake and the gospel’s” (10:29). It was not for the purpose of what the disciples themselves would get out of it. Beware of surrender that is motivated by personal benefits that may result. For example, “I’m going to give myself to God because I want to be delivered from sin, because I want to be made holy.” Being delivered from sin and being made holy are the result of being right with God, but surrender resulting from this kind of thinking is certainly not the true nature of Christianity. Our motive for surrender should not be for any personal gain at all. We have become so self-centered that we go to God only for something from Him, and not for God Himself. It is like saying, “No, Lord, I don’t want you; I want myself. But I do want You to clean me and fill me with Your Holy Spirit. I want to be on display in Your showcase so I can say, ’This is what God has done for me.’ ” Gaining heaven, being delivered from sin, and being made useful to God are things that should never even be a consideration in real surrender. Genuine total surrender is a personal sovereign preference for Jesus Christ Himself.
Where does Jesus Christ figure in when we have a concern about our natural relationships? Most of us will desert Him with this excuse—”Yes, Lord, I heard you call me, but my family needs me and I have my own interests. I just can’t go any further” (see Luke 9:57-62). “Then,” Jesus says, “you ’cannot be My disciple’ ” (see Luke 14:26-33).
True surrender will always go beyond natural devotion. If we will only give up, God will surrender Himself to embrace all those around us and will meet their needs, which were created by our surrender. Beware of stopping anywhere short of total surrender to God. Most of us have only a vision of what this really means, but have never truly experienced it.

God's Purpose for my life ( must hear) - Zac Poonen

Monday, March 11, 2013

Why the Fiery Trials? - Chip Brogden

"I have heard of You by the hearing of the ear, but now my eye sees You. Therefore I abhor myself and repent in dust and ashes." 

JOB 42:5,6

Hearing about God from others is not the same as seeing Him with your own eyes. In Job’s story we find an answer to the age-old question of why God allows the righteous to suffer. The answer is: there are things you need to know about God, and things you need to know about yourself, that you cannot know without going through a fiery trial.
The greatest lessons will not be learned while sitting in a classroom or reading a book. They will be learned in the dark nights, the deep valleys, and the raging seas of trial and tribulation.

Source: The Irresistible Kingdom by Chip Brogden

Friday, March 8, 2013

Five Main Reasons Why Many Believers are not Baptised in the Holy Spirit - Zac Poonen

There are FIVE main reasons why many believers are NOT baptized in the Holy Spirit:
(1) They have been INTELLECTUALLY CONVINCED by some theological argument that they were baptized in the Spirit when they were born again. And even though they are defeated, powerless, empty and fruitless, they continue to believe this theological deception.
(2) They feel that they are NOT WORTHY ENOUGH to receive the baptism in the Holy Spirit. The fact of the matter is that the more unworthy you feel and the greater the sinner you consider yourself to be, the more fit you are to receive the Holy Spirit - because God's gifts are given only to those who feel themselves most unworthy to receive them. If you have repented of your sins, it doesn't matter how unworthy or unfit or useless you are. Hallelujah!
(3) They DON'T BELIEVE that God is a good God - who gives His gifts freely to all who ask Him. They feel that they have to pay a price - do some good deeds, like fasting and praying, before they can receive.
But God's gifts are all freely given - whether it be the forgiveness of sins or the baptism in the Spirit. None of God's gifts can be purchased. Many believers feel that to have faith itself, is a difficult thing. But Jesus likened faith to drinking (See John 7:37,38, "...DRINK.... BELIEVE"). To receive the Holy Spirit is as easy as drinking. Even babies know how to drink - and those who are newly born again can be baptized with the Holy Spirit. That is how it was in the early days - as we read in the "Acts of the Apostles".
(4) They DON'T THIRST. They are not desperate enough. Jesus spoke a parable of a man who kept on knocking at his neighbour's door, UNTIL HE RECEIVED what he wanted. Then Jesus went on to say that our Heavenly Father would also give the Holy Spirit to those who asked, sought and knocked like that man (Read Luke 11:13 in the context of the previous verses, beginning at v.5).
(5) They WAIT FOR SOME EXPERIENCE (tongues or thrills etc., ) similar to the one they heard someone else testify to. They are not willing to leave it to God to decide what gift or manifestation is best for them to have. The Holy Spirit is received by simple faith.
Ask and ye shall receive (Gal.3:2; Luke 11:9-13). Don't wait for feelings. But ask God to give you an assurance. Leave it to Him as to how He gives you that assurance. Didn't He give you an assurance that your sins are forgiven and that you are His child? In the same way, He can also assure you that He has filled you with the Holy Spirit. What you need is not an experience, but POWER (Acts 1:8).
SO: THIRST - BELIEVE - AND RECEIVE. Now is the accepted time. Today is the day of salvation.
"The Spirit of the Lord WILL come upon you and you shall be CHANGED INTO ANOTHER MAN" (1 Sam.10:6).

Foundational Messages About THE FULL GOSPEL and THE NEW COVENANT

Here are some foundational messages about THE FULL GOSPEL and THE NEW COVENANT proclaimed with great clarity by Zac Poonen. Do listen to them and pass these links on to others so that they can be blessed:

1.      The Gospel is The Power Of God

2.      The Blessings Of The New Covenant

3.      Discipleship And The New Covenant

Thursday, March 7, 2013

The Key to Ultimate Victory - Chip Brogden

“Peter remembered the word of Jesus who had said to him, ‘Before the rooster crows, you will deny Me three times.’ So he went out and wept bitterly.”

Jesus was not surprised or disappointed when Peter failed. In like manner, He is not surprised or disappointed when you fail. Rather, He is waiting for you to fail so you will be reduced to Him. He has no illusions about you and He knows you through and through. He knows however much your spirit may be willing, your flesh is weak. Our weakness is not the trouble – the trouble is our unwillingness to acknowledge the weakness.
But I bring you good tidings of great joy, dear Christian friend! This failure of Self is the very key to living the Christian life. As painful as it is, the bitter tears of failure provide the water for nurturing the Precious Seed that is planted in your heart of hearts and making it grow. To despair of ourselves is the very key that opens the door to all the power, the victory, and fruitfulness in Christ that we seek.

Source: Embrace the Cross by Chip Brogden

Monday, March 4, 2013

As your days — so shall your strength be ~ James Smith

However weak you may feel in yourself, 
however rough the road you may need to travel, 
however heavy the burden you may have to carry — 
God will supply you with sufficient strength for the day!

He has never allowed you to be crushed yet, though you may have staggered under some heavy burdens. He who has helped you in the past — is still your helper today. He will also help you in all the future. "As your days" — be they as troublesome as they may — "so shall your strength be."

Whether your day brings life or death, joy or trial — it does not matter. God will send you exactly what you need to pass through it! Do not look at your trials, do not dwell on your inability — but lay hold on the promises of God and seek His grace to exercise faith in Him.

Then let Satan suggest what he pleases, or the flesh object as it may — you will be able to say, "I will not fear; for as my day — so shall my strength be. He who has promised — will also fulfill His promise."

Blessed Lord, I praise You for this precious promise! Help, oh, help me to trust in it; and day by day as duty or trials may require — enable me to look to You and expect sufficient strength from You!

"On the day I called — You answered me; You increased strength within me!" Psalm 138:3

Are you Learning on God's promise or him - Bro. Zac

The Second coming (must hear!)