Dear brothers and sisters,
The CFC webteam has developed an App titled “ Bible Study with Zac Poonen” for your Phones and tablets. This is available freely on the Apple AppStore and the Android PlayStore.
 This App allows you to access the Bible-studies on our CFC website – that have come from my own personal study of the Scriptures (and the resultant knowledge of the Lord) over the last 57 years. Four important studies among them are:
1. Basic Christian Teachings : 72 short messages on foundational Christian truths. 2. Through the Bible : 70 hours of study bringing out the distinctive message of each book of the Bible.
3. Verse By Verse : A study of every verse in the New Testament and every verse in some Old Testament books.
4. All That Jesus Taught : 80 half-hour studies on the main subjects that Jesus taught.
If you can spend just 30 minutes every day, listening to these studies, then in 3 years, you would have got a thorough knowledge of the most important sections of God’s Word – more than if you spent 3 years in a Bible college. Such a study will not only bless you but also make you a blessing to others.
There is also a Q&A section, with answers to hundreds of the most common questions that Christians ask.
The Lord bless you as you immerse yourself in the Word of God.
Your brother in Christ, Zac Poonen